/Classic black clothing and the black Harley-Davidson has been the traditional standard of motorcycle riders. Black leather chaps, black leather jacket, black leather boots. Unfortunately, black is not much of a contrast from the color of asphalt and many automobile drivers look straight at the motorcyclist and still pull out right in front of them. Be conspicuous when you ride, is our message. Your life may depend on it.
While my motorcycle operation is presently limited to a 250cc classic Vespa, I represent many individuals hurt and killed in motorcycle accidents and many were avoidable if the automobile driver had noticed the bike. As for myself, I purchased a padded fluorescent green jacket a year after I started riding again and saw that automobile drivers took notice and stopped with more gusto at the stop signs. In the past, automobiles would sort of creep forward after stopping while checking the road. Sometimes they would pull out because they did not see me even though I was obviously there. But now that I wear my fluorescent green jacket, the cars stop briskly and don’t budge, since they obviously notice me. Some riders challenge this assumption saying that they are now seeing fluorescent colors on signs, flag people, and other places on the road. Maybe so, we can just change to another stand out color in the future. Be conspicuous is the message.
Atty. Jim Normand and Paula on bikesSadly, hardly a week passes before we lose another motorcyclist because the car driver obviously saw something along the roadway but did not notice the difference between a motorcycle, a telephone pole or a road sign. Invariably, when bikes are cut off by cars, the car driver says, “I just did not see him.” Neurological studies show that the driver saw the motorcyclist, but the driver just could not discern between the rider and other obstacles. Safety standards also suggest that riders should alter their position in the lane from time to time so that cars can notice them better. Be conspicuous.
LET THOSE WHO RIDE DECIDE, is our traditional mantra in response to mandatory helmet laws. We support that freedom, but we still wear helmets. Additionally, in addition to safety in lower speed crashes, your safety helmet can also help you stand out from other stationary objects that line the road. Lots of people these days are sporting novelty helmets that they’ve bought online. Many of these helmets are not safe to use on the road! They often the lack the padded inner lining the DTS requires, offer no chin support, and have minimal thickness to safeguard your head from injury. Again, while we support the freedom of riders to choose, studies show that needless fatalities have resulted from motorcyclists’ failure to employ proper headgear.
So, buy a good, safe helmet with a fluorescent hue to match your new fluorescent jacket if you dare! You will stand out and be conspicuous. If that is too much for you, then be conspicuous in other ways. Save a life; your loved ones will value you for it, since the life will be your own.
Articles contained here are not intended to provide legal advice, only providing general information. We encourage individuals to consult with an attorney regarding individual circumstances.