Happy 105th Birthday to the Army Reserve
/105 years ago the United States Army Reserve was established to bring talented and skill rich individual in the civilian world to the service of their federal government in a time of need. In 1908, the Reserve started with the medical corps bringing civilian doctors, nurses and medical technicians to the Army’s total force in time of need. The Army Reserve is today comprised of 201,000 citizen soldiers who are trained and ready to meet our country’s global requirements. We are reminded on this day that every Reserve soldier has a family providing support to the soldier and our country. Find a way to thank those family members providing support to the men and women serving as our trained citizen soldiers when called upon. To you members of our extended Army Reserve Family who keep this chain of support “Army Strong.” Our good friend LTG Jeffrey W Talley also wishes to say a few words about the milestone in this video.
Jim Normand
US Army Ambassador for NH
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