Don't Forget, July 1st - Hands Free Law!
/Remember, on July 1st it will be illegal to drive in NH with your cell phone in use.
Here are some tips to help you avoid the temptation of using your phone while driving:
Out of sight, out of mind - When you're in the car, put your phone where you can't get it. A place where you won't even be tempted to look for it (like your trunk). No phone. No texting or calling.
Silence is golden - Turn those notifications and sounds off. The less you hear your phone, the less tempted you'll be to respond while you're driving. Or better yet, turn off your phone.
Designate a texter or caller - Borrow thumbs from a friend. Or lend yours to a friend. Passengers get the privilege of texting or calling while in motion.
And if you just have to be able to use your phone while driving there are ways to help you stay hands free.
Use an app - There are several apps available for apple and android that allow you to text by voice, some will also allow you to make calls this way as well.
Use a bluetooth hands free device - Some cars come equipped with bluetooth to allow for hands free phone use while driving. Some phones also have a car mode that allow you to use the phone hands free (phone usually will need to be mounted). But you can also get bluetooth hands free kits that can be either an ear piece or a speaker you clip to your air vent or visor.