Acupuncture frequently helps serious and minor conditions.  Even after serious surgery for cervical or lumbar disc herniation, or less serious muscle strains, our clients often still have difficulties after traditional treatment.  Many find further relief through acupuncture. Acupuncture, in New Hampshire, can be administered by physicians and licensed acupuncturists who frequently have Master Degrees from reputable institutions.  Some chiropractors and physical therapists also practice “dry needling” to address and reduce muscle spasms using acupuncture needles.  Others find relief with Reiki therapy, where the body is not even touched, by relief provided through ransfer of energy. The moral of the story is that active involvement to relieve pain can mean a lot more than surgery and drugs.  Frequently, therapy is one or more less traditional therapies that our clients turn to and we endorse them.  Also, don’t forget to move.  Light exercise, yoga and even just walking from your car parked far from the door, can help keep your core in shape and lessen exacerbations.

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