4th of July Fireworks: The law and protecting yourself
/Independence Day is fast approaching and with it returns a favorite pastime of many people, setting off 4th of July fireworks. This can be a fun and exciting way to celebrate American independence, but before lighting those sparklers and roman candles you should know what is legal and illegal in New Hampshire.
The state of New Hampshire has pretty straightforward laws governing fireworks.
Fireworks can only be purchased from a licensed retail store. A list of these stores can be found at http://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/firesafety/special-operations/fireworks/retailstores.html
Any person wanting to purchase fireworks must be 21 years of age or older
Fireworks shall only be used on private property which the user owns, or have written permission from the land owner, or be in the owner’s presence.
The user must follow any legally adopted local ordinances, a list of which can be found at: http://www.nh.gov/safety/divisions/firesafety/special-operations/fireworks/documents/CommunityPermissibleRestrictedList02-14.pdf
The person who sets off the fireworks can be held liable for any damages to the property of another.
Additionally, only certain types of fireworks are permissible for private use. The chart below shows which fireworks are and are not legal.
Even when you’re being careful, accidents do happen. That’s why it’s also important that you protect yourself in the event of an accident. Checking that your homeowner’s insurance (if you are using fireworks on your own property) or personal liability insurance cover damages caused by fireworks
Summer is a great time to live here in New Hampshire. The 4th of July can be one of the most enjoyable holidays to spend with friends and family. But while you’re enjoying the festivities this year, don’t forget to be safe and obey the law.
Articles contained here are not intended to provide legal advice, only providing general information. We encourage individuals to consult with an attorney regarding individual circumstances.